Technical Committees Coordinator:

Eugeniusz Kozaczka
E -mail: kozaczka@pg.gda.pl


EAA TC-CA – Computational Acoustics

Co-Chair of EAA TC- CA

Martin Ochmann
E -mail: ochmann@tfh-berlin.de

Co-Chair of EAA TC- CA

Andrew Peplow
E -mail: Andrew@fkt.kth.se



EAA TC-EDU – Education

Co-Chair of EAA TC-EDU

Michael Vorländer
E -mail: mvo@akustik.rwth-aachen.de

Co-Chair of EAA TC-EDU

Malte Kob
E -mail: fenestra@european-acoustics.org



EAA TC-HYD – Hydroacoustics

Chair of EAA TC-HYD

Eugeniusz Kozaczka
E -mail: kozaczka@pg.gda.pl


EAA TC-MUS – Musical Acoustics

Co-Chair of EAA TC-MUS

Murray Campbell, U.K.
E -mail: dmc@ph.ed.ac.uk


Co-Chair of EAA TC-MUS

Domenico Stanzial
E -mail: domenico.stanzial@cini.ve.cnr.it



EAA TC-NOI – Noise

Co-Chair of EAA TC-NOI

Joachim Scheuren
E -mail: JScheuren@MuellerBBM.de

Co-Chair of EAA TC-NOI

Jean Tourret

E-mail: Jean1tourret@aol.com



EAA TC-PPA – Physiological and Psychological Acoustics

Co-Chairs of EAA TC- PPA

George Klump
E -mail: georg.klump@uni-oldenburg.de

Co-Chair of EAA TC-PPA

Armin Kohlrausch
E -mail: armin.kohlrausch@philips.com



EAA TC-RBA – Room and Building Acoustics

Chair of EAA TC-RBA

Jens Holger Rindel
E -mail: jhr@oersted.dtu.dk



EAA TC-TAA – Testing and Accreditation in Acoustics

Chair of EAA TC-TAA

Mathias H. Stani
E -mail: Mathias.Stani@TGM.ac.at



EAA TC-ULT – Ultrasound

Chair of EAA TC-ULT

Juan A. Gallego-Juárez
E -mail: jgallego@ia.cetef.csic.es