EAA Technical Committee Noise


The aims of the EAA Technical Committee of Noise is to provide a supranational platform for all Europeans working or being interested in noise control and noise control engineering. Like other Technical Committees of EAA, the EAA TC Noise will
• serve as an established link between national societies and their respective national committees as well as some other corresponding institutions in Europe and
• support the EAA by coordinating and putting into concrete terms all noise related issues and activities including the EURONOISE conference series.
To push this matter with combined forces, the TC Noise is supported and run together with INCE/Europe (INCE/E), a noise control engineering institution on the European level and a sus¬taining member of EAA.

Jointly running the TC Noise offers a flexible platform which concretises itself by the needs, the contributions and the energy of those using this platform. As such, the TC Noise invites all interested in noise-related subjects to use this platform to present and push their matter. By this, regular information about new activities, research results, papers, books, congresses, projects, workshops, etc. A major task of the TC should be
• to stimulate joint activities and mutual cooperation between researchers worldwide,
• to initiate common projects in research, development and education, and
• to help in organizing structured sessions in Noise for congresses.

It is aimed that these activities will typically lead to establishing specialised groups within the TC as can be seen in other European and national TCs.

To define the actions of the TC in a formal way, some guidelines have been established. These guidelines can be found below.

Activities in 2005
Main activities of the TC Noise in 2005 have been:
• to further develop the structure and to strengthen the involvement of noise control engineers addressed by the TC Noise
• to support the organizers of Forum Acusticum (held from Aug. 29 to Sept. 02 in Budapest, Hungary) in getting structured session in may areas of noise control,
• to assist the Organizing Committee of Euro-Noise 2006 (to be held May 29 - June1 2006 in Tampere, Finland) in defining structured sessions, inviting key authors and exhibitors and promoting the meeting in the noise control engineering community. In this respect, two meetings have been held in Budapest during Forum Acusticum which enabled to exchange updated information
• to stongly contribute to the symposium organized by INCE/Europe at the end of June in Le Mans, on "Managing uncertainties in noise measurement and prediction" which gathered nearly 300 participants coming from 32 countries
• to support INCE/Europe’s focussed meeting on wind turbine noise organized mid October in Berlin with 130 participants.

Activities in 2006
Main activities of the TC Noise in 2006 will be:
• continuous extension of the TC body to cope with the targets of the TC Noise
• preparation support and participation in the venue of Euro-Noise 2006
• first steps of preparation and support for the next Euro-Noise to be planned in Paris in June 2008 in conjunction with the joint EAA Forum Acusticum and ASA meeting.

Guidelines for the work of the Technical Committee Noise (TC Noise) within the European Acoustics Association EAA
1. The Technical Committee (TC) Noise of the European Acoustics Association EAA is an institution of the EAA and as such supported by EAA and the national member societies of EAA.
2. In addition, the TC Noise is particularly supported and run together with INCE/Europe, a sustaining member of EAA.
3. The TC Noise of EAA is a flexible and adaptive platform for European Noise control engineers and all others interested in their work and their topics to
- communicate among each other, to
- provide and get information, to
- develop positions and statements and to
- articulate their interests.
4. To come up with the European focus of the work of the TC it may be appropriate and helpful to refer to the work of corresponding Technical Committees within national member societies.
5. Subgroups of the TC Noise can be established to cope with the specific needs of specialised topics.
6. To promote and maintain its working process, the TC Noise should minimally meet once per year in Europe, preferably at a conference of common interest (e.g. Euro-Noise or Inter-Noise).
7. If desired so, the TC Noise may organise a further independent meeting where presenta¬tions on a specific topic should be complemented by sufficient time to discuss general matters of the work of the TC.
8. To follow their objectives, the TC Noise or subgroups of it may run or support events like special conferences, seminars, workshops or working group sessions.
9. On behalf of EAA, the TC Noise will take over special responsibility for the continuous series of Euro-Noise conferences. This responsibility includes proposing to the EAA board when, where and by whom a Euro-Noise conference will be run as well as supporting and advising the Euro-Noise organisers in all technical and organisational matters.
10. According to the internal regulations of EAA, a chair of the TC Noise shall be elected by and within the TC.
11. The work of the chair shall be done in close cooperation with a co-chair who equally shall be elected by and within the TC.
12. To adequately cope with the large spectrum of noise control engineering activities, a steering committee may be established to support and complement the work of the chairs.
13. To ensure transparent action of and within the TC, rules for the work of the TC as well as for the installation and work of its institutional bodies shall be set up and approved by the TC.

Chairs of EAA TC-NOI:

Joachim Scheuren
e-mail: JScheuren@MuellerBBM.de

Jean Tourret
e-mail: Jean1tourret@aol.com