EAA Technical Committee Ultrasound


The EAA Technical Committee on Ultrasound will provide all colleagues in Ultrasound an information platform about new activities, research results, papers, books, congresses, projects, workshops, etc. A major task of the TC should be to stimulate joint activities and mutual cooperations between researchers worldwide to initiate common projects in research, development and education, and to help in organizing structured sessions in Ultrasound for congresses.

The web page of the EAA will serve as a convenient tool for exchanging such information and for establishing contacts.

The Technical Committee was formed on the 16th September 2002, at the occasion of the FORUM ACUSTICUM SEVILLA 2002. It is open to all colleagues in the field of Ultrasound worldwide.

The second meeting of the TC Ultrasound was held in Budapest, August, 29th 2005 at the occasion of the Forum Acusticum.

Due to the coincidence in time of this event with the World Congress on Ultrasound - Ultrasonics International 05 (WCU-UI05) in Beijing, only a small number of ultrasonics people attended Budapest Conference. The meeting was coordinated by Dr. S. Radel on behalf of the TC Ultrasound Chairman, Prof. J. A. Gallego-Juárez who was unable to be present.

Dr. Radel reported about the last ultrasonic events together with some information regarding the newly formed Alps-Adria Acoustic Association which includes Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. Dr. Francine Luppe from Le Havre, France, presented her group (GAPSUS) working on Physical Acoustics, Underwater Acoustics and Ultrasound. Dr. Luppe provided a list of French laboratories doing research in the area of ultrasound. It was proposed to provide a list of courses regarding ultrasound topics offered within the EAA.

Chair of the EAA TC-ULT:

Juan A. Gallego-Juárez
Instituto de Acústica, CSIC
Serrano 144
E-28006- Madrid
Tel.: +34 915 618 806
Fax: +34 914 117 651
e-mail: jgallego@ia.cetef.csic.es

EAA TC-ULT Working Groups:

Adriano Alippi – Past experience on SAW. Actually: Nonlinearity, evanescent waves, complex materials
e-mail: alippi@axrma.uniroma1.it

Edwald Benes – Resonant Sensors, Ultrasonic Particle Filters, Sono-Thrombolysis
e-mail: benes@iap.tuwien.ac.at

Voichita Bucur – Ultrasonics and wood. Development of techniques for characterization and imaging of wood structure
e-mail: bucur@lermab.uhp-nancy.fr

Marc Deschamps – Physical acoustics, wave propagation, NDT amps and NDE applications
e-mail: deschamps@lmp.u-bordeaux.fr

Juan A. Gallego-Juárez - High Power Ultrasonics, Macrosonics
e-mail: jgallego@ia.cetef.csic.es

Robert Mettin – Cavitation (acoustics), bubble dynamics, applications of US in liquids (sonochemistry, cleaning). Sound propagation in multiphase media

Johan M. Thijssen – Biomedical Ultrasonics
e-mail: j.thijssen@ckskg.azn.nl

Bogumil Linde – Molecular acoustics, acousto-optics, Photo-acoustics, Fundamental research and applications

Rymantas Kasys – NDT and NDE

Massimo Pappalardo – Ultrasonic Transducers Echographic, Systems Actuators;
e-mail: pappalar@ele.uniroma3.it

Anne-Marie Wilhelm – Applications of acoustic cavitation to physical and chemical processes (multiphase reactions, crystallization, emulsification, …)
e-mail: annemarie.Wilhelm@ensiacet.fr

All members are kindly invited to send initiatives through the Working Group. Such initiatives will be published in the web page.