EAA Technical Committee Musical Acoustics


The EAA Technical Committee on Musical Acoustics was established at ISMA2001 in Perugia (11th September 2001) on the proposal of A. Houtsma.
D. M. Campbell and D. Stanzial accepted to act as coordinators of the group.

- The first significant activity of the Musical Acoustics TC was to
contribute to the organization of special sessions during the EAA-Forum Acousticum in Sevilla (September 2002).

- The second official meeting of the TC was held in Sevilla on 16th and 19th September 2002, and was attended by 43 musical acousticians participating in Forum Acusticum. M. Campbell and D. Stanzial were confirmed as coordinators of the group and Dr. David Sharp was designated as the TC secretary. During the meeting Malte Kob also offered his willingness to maintain a web-space dedicated to the TC on Musical Acoustics on the EAA internet site. After a wide discussion among those present, the prevailing opinion came out that the TC on Musical Acoustics should not have a bureaucratic structure relying on national acoustical associations which are members of the EAA, but should be a free group simply composed by people interested in working in Musical Acoustics and willing to be active on it.

- Currently the TC is involved in supporting a special edition of a Musical Acoustics issue of the journal "Applied Acoustics". It is also lending support to the EAA Symposium on Architectural and Urban Acoustics and Musical Acoustics, Bilbao, Spain, 15-16-17 October 2003, organized jointly by the Spanish, French and Portuguese Societies. For further information contact the secretary, Dr David Sharp, at d.sharp@open.ac.uk.

Chairs of EAA TC-MUS:

Murray Campbell
The University of Edinburgh
Dept. Physics and Astronomy
James Clerk Maxwell Bldg Mayfield Road
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
United Kingdom
Tel.: +44 (131) 650 5262
Fax: +44 (131) 650 5212
e-mail: D.M.Campbell@ed.ac.uk

Domenico Stanzial
Fondazione Scuola di San Giorgio – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Laboratorio di Acustica Musicale e Architettonica FSSG-CNR
Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Fondazione Cini
I-30124 Venezia, Italy
Tel.: +39 041 520 7757
Fax: +39 041 520 8135
e-mail: domenico.stanzial@cini.ve.cnr.it

Secretary of the EAA TC-MUS:
David Sharp
Department of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering
Open University, Walton Hall
Milton Keynes, MK 7 6AA, U.K.
Tel: +44 1908 653 060
Fax: +44 1908 652 192
e-mail: d.sharp@open.ac.uk

Webmaster of the EAA TC-MUS:
Malte Kob
e-mail: fenestra@european-acoustics.org