EAA Technical Committee Hydroacoustics


The EAA Technical Committee of Hydroacoastics was established in 2005 at the meeting in Budapest.

A major task of the committee is to stimulate and combine the activities of European acousticians to cooperate in the field of research as well as realization of common studies in the field of underwater acoustics. Every two years the European Conference on Underwater ( Acoustics (ECUA) is organized and during that time the routine meetings of the EAA Technical Committee of Hydroaoustics are held.

Futhermore under the auspices of EAA the conferences on underwater acoustics are organized where the meetings of the EAA TC Hydroacoastics will be held as well.

In the future there are intended the following meetings:
- EAA TC meeting during ECUA-2006.
- EAA symposium in Gandia Spain (October 2006).

Chair of EAA-TC-HYD:

Eugeniusz Kozaczka
Gdansk University of Technology, Narutowicza 11/12 str. 80-952 Gdansk, Poland.
E-mail: kozaczka@pg.gda.pl
Tel.: (+ 48) 58 348 61 27