EAA Technical Committee Testing and Accreditation in Acoustics


At the FORUM ACUSTICUM conference last August in Budapest during an initial meeting of the EAA Technical Committee on Testing and Accreditation in Acoustics a resolution was passed to establish discussion platforms on the web site of TC-TAA with the topic considering accreditation.

The participants of this first face-to-face meeting agreed to establish two work groups. One of them will discuss problems in accreditation and measurement uncertainties and another work group should deal with the topic of adapting quality management systems in context with creation of noise maps.

They proposed that in a first step comments from laboratories all over Europe considering accreditation should be collected to resume the current situation and problems the colleagues have to deal with. One of the major aims in this respect was to collect the opinion and reports of experiences and challenges from "bottom to top" the laboratories face at their practical work.

To build a basis for further discussions considering this topic a questionnaire has to be created and will be sent to the laboratories. The key aspects, which will emerge, could be basis of the next face-to-face discussion at Euro-Noise 2006, 30th May till 1st of June in Tampere.

Several participants expressed the necessity to organise round robin tests and that this subject should also be discussed in context with both work group topics. As an alternative at least it should be posted which institution is announcing plans to conducting one.

Now the board is installed technically but the login name and password has to be sent to the participants who are nominated from their national acoustical society and are interested to take part in to take part this forum. Furthermore it is intended to establish a discussion platform for "public" discussions to get the opinion of as many colleagues and representatives of acoustic concerns in Europe.

Chair of the EAA TC-TAA:

Mathias H. Stani
TGM Technologisches Gewerbe Museum
Wexs Srasse 19-23
A-1200 Wien- Austria
Tel.: + 332 9236
e-mail: Mathias.Stani@TGM.ac.at