EAA Technical Committee Computational Acoustics


The Technical Committee Computational Acoustics (TC-CA) will provide all colleagues in the field of Computational Acoustics (CA) an information platform about new activities, research results, papers, books, congresses, projects, workshops etc. in the entire field of Computational Acoustics.

A major task of the committee is to stimulate joint activities and mutual cooperations between researchers within Europe and worldwide, to initiate common projects in research, development, and education, and to help in organizing structured sessions in Computational Acoustics for congresses, e.g. FORUM ACUSTICUM.

The web page of the EAA will serve as a convenient tool for exchanging scientific information and for establishing contacts, discussion and collaboration. All colleagues, who are working in the field of Computational Acoustics, are kindly invited to participate in these activities and to post contributions from all areas of Computational Acoustics. The TC Computational Acoustics will become a lively, fruitful and positive site as a result of feedback and stimulating distributions sent by colleagues from all over Europe.

1. At the FORUM ACUSTICUM SEVILLA 2002 eight structured sessions and a general one were organized.
2. A joint research symposium “Acoustic characteristics of surfaces: measurement, prediction and applications” was organized by the EAA Technical Committees Room & Building Acoustics and Computational Acoustics (18-19 September 2003, University of Salford, Manchester UK).
3. The TC-CA was involved in planning the expression of interest for the Integrated EU project Surface Transportation Noise in Sustainable Urban Cities (STRANSC).
4. At the FORUM ACUSTICUM in Budapest 2005, a TC meeting took place, and the participants discussed all topics concerning the TC-CA and its further development.
5. The TC will use the web page of the EAA as extensively as possible and construct its part of the web page in such a way that it should be most helpful for all members - all suggestions are highly welcome!

Chairs of EAA TC-CA:

Martin Ochmann
Department of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry TFH-
Berlin – University of Applied Sciences
Luxemburger Strasse 10
D-13353 Berlin – Germany
Tel.: +49 30 4504 2931
Fax: +49 30 4504 2974
e-mail: ochmann@tfh-berlin.de

Andrew Peplow
Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for Sound and Vibration Research
Department of Aeronautical & Vehicle Engineering, KTH
Stockholm S100 44 – Sweden
Tel. +46 8 7908017
Fax: +46 8 7906122
e-mail: atpeplow@kth.se