EAA Technical Committee Room and Building Acoustics


The EAA Technical Committee Room and Building Acoustics (EAA TC-RBA) will provide all colleagues in the field of room and building acoustics an information platform about new activities, research results, papers, books, congresses, projects, workshops etc.
A major task of the committee is to stimulate joint activities and mutual co-operations between researchers worldwide, to initiate common projects in research, development, and education, and to help in organizing structured session in Room and Building Acoustics for congresses, especially for the FORUM ACUSTICUM every third year. Every year there will be symposium or similar meeting arranged by the TC-RBA, and the intention is to alternate between room acoustic topics and building acoustic topics. Collaboration has been established with the CIB WG 51 Acoustics, that the meetings on building acoustics are arranged as a joint meeting for TC-RBA.

The web page of the EAA will serve as a convenient tool for exchanging such information and for establishing contacts, discussion and collaboration. All colleagues, who are working in the field of Room and Building Acoustics, are kindly invited to participate in these activities and to post contributions. The TC Room and Building Acoustics will become more living and useful the more colleagues from all over Europe will send their contributions.

From 1994 to 2002 there has been arranged three series of Round Robin for evaluation of room acoustic prediction models. This work has been conducted by PTB in Braunschweig. Detailed information is available, both concerning the results and concerning the room input data, which means that these three room examples may also be used in the future for testing the prediction capabilities of new room acoustic software and/or the users of such software.

(Link: http://www.ptb.de/en/org/1/14/1401/roundrobin.htm)

The last meeting of the TC Room and Building Acoustics was held on Monday 16th September 2002 during the FORUM ACUSTICUM SEVILLA 2002. It was decided to establish a number of working groups in areas where there are currently a special interest. Thus the following working groups are established, each with a connected key-person to lead the discussions and other activities:

WG 1 – EN 12354 Building Acoustics Prediction Models
WG 2 – Opera House Acoustics
WG 3 – Acoustics in Open-Plan Schools and Offices
WG 4 – Sound Insulation Requirements and Sound Classification

For the next future, the following activities are planned:

§ A Symposium on Room Acoustics in Manchester, UK, September 2003. This will be arranged as a joint Symposium together with TC Computational Acoustics. The topic will be: Acoustics Properties of Surfaces – Measurement, Prediction and Applications
§ A Symposium on Building Acoustics joint with CIB WG 51 Acoustics, to be held in 2004
§ Planning of Special Sessions in Room and Building Acoustics for the next FORUM ACUSTICUM BUDAPEST 2005

Chair of EAA TC - RBA
Jens Holger Rindel
Ørsted-DTU, Acoustic Technology
Technical University of Denmark
Ørsteds Plads, bldg. 352
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Tel: (+45) 45253934
e-mail: jhr@oersted.dtu.dk

The EAA Technical Committee Room and Building Acoustics (EAA TC-RBA) was established 15th March 1999 at a meeting in Berlin. The TC will provide all colleagues in the field of room and building acoustics an information platform about new activities, research results, papers, books, congresses, projects, workshops etc.

A major task of the committee is to stimulate joint activities and mutual worldwide co-operation between professionals, researchers, and related Technical Committees to initiate common projects in research, development, and education, and to help in organizing structured session in Room and Building Acoustics for congresses, especially for the Forum Acusticum every third year. The last meeting of the TC Room and Building Acoustics was held on 29th August 2005 in Budapest, Hungary.

A number of Working Groups have been established to deal with special topics (see below). Members that are interested in contributing to a WG are invited to contact the person in charge.
- WG 1 – EN 12354 Building Acoustics Prediction Models
- WG2 – Opera House Acoustics
- WG3 – Acoustics in Open-Plan Schools and Offices
- WG4 – Sound Insulation Requirements and Sound Classification
- WG 5 – New Measurement Methods in Building Acoustics
- WG 6 – Recommended Room Acoustic Requirements

A close co-operation is established with the Technical Committee on Architectural Acoustics (TCAA) of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) for the exchange of results and coordination of future activities.

Every year there will be symposium or similar meeting arranged by the TC-RBA, and the intention is to alternate between room acoustic topics and building acoustic topics. Collaboration has been established with the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) WG 51 Acoustics, that the meetings on building acoustics are arranged as a joint meeting for TC-RBA.

The web page of the EAA will serve as a convenient tool for exchanging information and for establishing contacts, discussion and collaboration. All colleagues, who are working in the field of Room and Building Acoustics, are kindly invited to participate in these activities and to post contributions. Professionals working in the field of room and building acoustics are invited to join the discussion forum at the Internet address http://forum.eaa-fenestra.org and access the information in the public area of this TC.

From 1994 to 2002 there has been arranged three series of Round Robin for evaluation of room acoustic prediction models. Detailed information is available, both concerning the results and concerning the room input data, which means that these three room examples may also be used in the future for testing the prediction capabilities of new room acoustic software and/or the users of such software. (Link: http://www.ptb.de/en/org/1/17/173/roundrobin.htm).

An open database for loudspeakers CLF (Common Loudspeaker Format) has been established April 2005. Thus loudspeaker performance and polar data from a wide range of loudspeaker producers are available in an open and secure format, useful in connection with room acoustic prediction models. (Link: http://www.clfgroup.org/index.htm).

For the near future, the following activities of TC-RBA are planned:
- A 4th Round Robin on room acoustic prediction models with emphasis on auralisation.
- A symposium on building acoustics joint with CIB WG 51 Acoustics. The time and place to be announced later.
- A symposium on room acoustics will be organised 9-12 September 2007 in Sevilla, Spain as a satellite symposium after the ICA 2007 in Madrid, Spain.

Chair of EAA TC-RBA:

Jens Holger Rindel
Ørsted-DTU, Acoustic Technology
Technical University of Denmark
Ørsteds Plads, bldg. 352
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
e-mail: jhr@oersted.dtu.dk
Tel: (+45) 45253934