Sessions - chronological order
Monday 1 june, 2015
Non auditory health effects of noise (0.4 Brussels (189))
Y. De Kluizenaar |
C. Eriksson |
11:00 |
11:20 |
11:40 |
12:00 |
12:20 |
12:40 |
14:40 |
15:00 |
15:20 |
Health Impact Assessment of airport noise on people living nearby six Italian airports
by C. Ancona, M. Golini, F. Mataloni, D. Camerino, M. Chiusolo, G. Licitra, M. Ottino, S. Pisani, L. Cestari, M.A. Vigotti, M. Davoli, F. Forastiere, I. Sera Study Group.
15:40 |
Associations of road traffic noise, blood pressure and heart rate in three harmonized European cohorts
by W. Zijlema, Y. Cai, D. Doiron, K. De Hoogh, D. Morley, S. Hodgson, H. Kongsgard, K. Hveem, R. Stolk, J. Rosmalen.
16:00 |
Tuesday 2 june, 2015
Sound insulation of lightweight structures (0.1 London (90))
8:40 |
9:00 |
9:20 |
9:40 |
10:00 |
10:20 |
11:00 |
11:20 |
A study of sound Absorption behaviors of Fiber wood panel
by C. Demanet.
11:40 |
Sound Transmission Characteristic through Mechanically Connected Laminated Composite Double Wall Panel
by P. Bhattacharya, A. Sahu, M. Rose.
Structured materials and metamaterials for the control of audible sound (0.7 Lisbon (47))
8:40 |
9:00 |
9:20 |
9:40 |
10:00 |
10:20 |
Extraordinary absorption of sound in porous lamella
by J. Christensen.
11:00 |
Optimised thin Metaporous materials for absorption applications in the audible frequency range
by C. Lagarrigue, J.-P. Groby, V. Tournat.
11:20 |
Sound absorption by a structure with straight rectangular tubes loaded by periodically distributed resonators
by J.-P. Groby, O. Umnova, Y. Aurégan.
11:40 |
On inner resonance in highly contrasted composites Design of media with negative mass or stiffness
by C. Boutin.
Underwater Noise, Imaging and Communication (0.8 Rome (118))
13:40 |
14:00 |
14:20 |
14:40 |
Separating Propeller Cavitation Noise and Cavitation Tunnel System Noise using Blind Source Separation(BSS)
by E. Widjiati, E.B. Djatmiko, W. Wardhana, W. Wirawan.
15:00 |
15:20 |
15:40 |
Bayesian Ambient-Noise Inversion
by S. Dosso.
16:00 |
Wednesday 3 june, 2015
Perception and Assessment of Sound Quality (0.2 Berlin (90))
A. Fiebig |
C. Marquis-Favre |
14:00 |
Decision strategies in loudness judgments of time-varying sounds inferred from two psychophysical tasks
by E. Ponsot, P. Susini, S. Meunier.
14:20 |
Sound Quality Evaluation of Acoustical Environments with Multiple Sources
by S. Skoda, J. Steffens, J. Becker-Schweitzer.
14:40 |
15:00 |
15:40 |
16:00 |
16:20 |
Sensitivity of humans for low frequency noise (0.9 Athens (118))
14:00 |
14:20 |
Trials of a protocol to support LFN sufferers in the UK
by A. Moorhouse, D. Baguley, T. Husband, C. Banks, P. Comiskey, T. Kay, A. Kenyon, D. McFerran, F. Penney, K. Smith, C. Whalley.
European noise policies (0.8 Rome (118))
14:40 |
WHO Environmental noise guidelines for the European Region
by M.-E. Heroux, W. Babisch, G. Belojevic, M. Brink, S. Janssen, P. Lercher, M. Paviotti, G. Pershagen, K. Persson Waye, A. Preis, S. Stansfeld, M. Van Den Berg, J. Verbeek.
15:00 |
15:20 |
16:00 |
16:20 |
16:40 |
17:00 |