1. Country: Spain

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): Spanish Acoustical Society
4. Original Society name: Sociedad Española de Acústica
5. Society acronyms: SEA
6. Address: Serrano, 144
E-28006 Madrid, Spain
7. Phone: +34 915 618 806
8. Fax: +34 914 117 651
9. E-mail: secretaria@sea-acustica.org
10. Web: www.ia.csic.es/sea/index.html
11. Society Journal (name): Revista de Acústica

12. Family name, first name: Pérez-López, Antonio
13. Institution/Company:
14. Address: Alonso Cano, 89, 6º C
E-28003 Madrid, Spain
15. Phone: +34 669 499 031
16. Fax:
17. E-mail: antonio.perezlopez@sea-acustica.org

18. Family name, first name: Calvo-Manzano, Antonio
19. Institution/Company:
20. Address: Cardenal Marcelo Spínola, 48
E-28016 Madrid, Spain
21. Phone: +34 913 021 989
22. Fax: +34 913 021 989
23. E-mail: calvomanzano@sea-acustica.org

24. Family name, first name: González-Suárez, Julio
25. Institution/Company: E.T.S. Arquitectura, Universidad de Valladolid
26. Address: Avda. de Salamanca, s/n
E-57014 Valladolid, Spain
27. Phone: +34 983 423 446
28. Fax: +34 983 423 425
29. E-mail: juliog@opt.uva.es


The Spanish Acoustical Society (Sociedad Española de Acústica, SEA) was founded in 1969 as a non-for-profit scientific and technical association. Its primary goal is to enhance the development of Acoustics in Spain.
The specific objectives of SEA are:

- to promote continuous progress in all fields of Acoustics,
- to foster Research and Development in Science and Technology of Acoustics, and its applications,
- to support and contribute with technical advice to Administrations, Companies and Associations' activities seeking the improvement on acoustic environment, its control, and its influence on population's welfare,
- to host and organize national and international meetings and conferences as forum for discussion and exchanges of knowledge and experiences among specialists,
- to publish regularly the technical journal, Revista de Acústica

SEA’s activities are organized in specialised sections in the following fields:

AAM- Environmental Acoustics and Noise
AED- Building Acoustics
AEV- Structural Acoustics and Vibrations
AFP- Physiological and Psychological Acoustics
AFS- Physical Acoustics and Signal Processing
AMS- Musical Acoustics
APS- Professional Audio and Sound Applications
ASB- Underwater Acoustics
ASL- Room Acoustics
BAC- Bioacoustics
ELI- Electroacoustics and Instrumentation
ESI- Teaching and Research
NOR- Standards
PAC- Speech Processing and Acoustics of Communications
ULT- Ultrasonics
Spanish Acoustical Society (SEA) links with other Acoustics bodies at national and international level are a fundamental component of its character:

- Since its origin, SEA is in close relationship with the Acoustics Institute of the Spanish Scientific Research Council.
- Since the beginning, SEA has cooperated with the acoustical societies of other countries, particularly those in Europe and Iberoamerica.
- SEA is a founding member of the European Acoustics Association – EAA, International Commission for Acoustics – ICA, and Iberian Federation of Acoustics – FIA.
- SEA is also member of the Spanish Committee of Audiophonology- CEAF, Bureau International d´Audiophonologie – BIAP, International Institute of Noise Control Engineering – I-INCE, and International Institute of Sound and Vibration – IISV.

Every year, SEA celebrates a national congress, TECNIACÚSTICA, in different cities of Spain to promote the development of Acoustics in academic and private sectors, providing a common space for exchanging and reporting about latest research developments and technical advances. In parallel to the annual congress, a technical exhibition of products and services is organized – EXPOACÚSTICA.

We would like to highlight other significant meetings organized by SEA:

- 9th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, 1977, with satellite symposia in Barcelona and Sevilla. This congress met together 1,500 participants from all over the world, and near 1,000 papers were presented. We are fortunate enough to celebrate again, 30 years later, the 19th edition of this ICA congress in Madrid in 2007.
- 8th FASE Symposium on Environmental Acoustics, Zaragoza, 1989;
-11th FASE Symposium on Acoustical Materials and Ultrasonic Transducers, Valencia 1984;
- Conference on “Environmental Noise in Urban Areas”, Barcelona, 1990;
- International conference on “Noise in Urban Areas”, Madrid, 1991;
- International Conference on the “Acoustic Quality of Concert Halls” in Madrid in 1994, at the occasion of SEA’s 25th anniversary;
- 2nd Iberian Congress on Acoustics and an EAA Symposium on Architectural Acoustics, Madrid, 2000.
- FORUM ACUSTICUM, Sevilla 2002

Next Congresses to be organized by SEA:

- 37th TECNIACÚSTICA, Gandia, October 2006.
- 19th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Madrid, September 2007.

More detailed information on Spanish Acoustical Society can be obtained in the website www.ia.csic.es/sea/index.html.