1. Country: Slovenia

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): The Slovenian Acoustical Society
4. Original Society name: Slovensko drustvo za akustiko
5. Society acronyms: SDA
6. Address: Askerceva 6
SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
7. Phone: +386 1 4771 443
8. Fax: +386 1 2518 567
9. E-mail: mirko.cudina@fs.uni-lj.si
10. Web: www.fs.uni-lj.si/sda
11. Society Journal (name):

12. Family name, first name: Cudina, Mirko
13. Institution/Company: University of Ljubljana
14. Address: Askerceva 6
SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
15. Phone: +386 1 4771 443
16. Fax: +386 1 2518 567
17. E-mail: mirko.cudina@fs.uni-lj.si

18. Family name, first name: Prezelj, Jurij
19. Institution/Company: University of Ljubljana
20. Address: Askerceva 6
SLO-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
21. Phone: +386 1 4771 426
22. Fax: +386 1 2518 567
23. E-mail: jurij.prezelj@fs.uni-lj.si

24. Family name, first name: Aljosa Flander
25. Institution/Company: dB Inzeniring, Idrija
26. Address: Vodnikova 1a
SLO-5280 Idrija, Slovenia
27. Phone: +386 5 22 739
28. Fax: +386 5 37 22 799
29. E-mail: aljosa.flander@decibel-af.si


The Slovenian Acoustical Society (SAS in Slowin SDA) was founded on 22nd October 1997 in Ljubljana with the participation of 50 members active in the field of noise and vibration.

The SAS was established as a non-profit scientific society with the main purpose of assisting Slovenian engineers to respond to the increasing demands for control environmental noise and noisy products. Today the society has more then 100 individual and collective members from various areas of interest such as physics, mechanical, architectural, electrical and environmental engineering, medicine, psychology and musical and speech acoustics.

The society is one of the most prominent and active professional societies in Slovenia, maintaining a strong tie with university and industry in Slovenia and abroad. SAS is a member of ZSIS (a domestic association of mechanical engineers) and several international associations such as EAA, I-INCE, IIAV and ICA. The activities of the SAS are defined by its bylaws, and deal with education, lectures, seminars, workshops and publications in the field of acoustics as well as congress activities and implementation and development of national legislation and international standards in acoustics.

The society is together with Austria and Croatia Acoustical Society member of a regional organization with name Alps-Adria Acoustical Association (AAAA). The association was founded in September 21, 2000 in Portoroz at the second congress of SAS on initiative of all three societies Presidents. The last Congress of the AAAA was held in Opatia, Croatia, and next will be held in Gratz, Austria. The Congresses are organized with international participation biannually. Delegates from many countries (and continents) participated in the congreses, an average number of participants are 100. Specialities of the congresses is a large number of invited keynote speakers (distinguished professors) from all over the word (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Austria and associated countries) who presented keynote lectures at the beginning of the congress. The congresses are covering all aspects of acoustics, noise and vibration in which the members of AAAA are active.

Topics to be covered include:
- Sound generation and radiation
- Low frequency noise and vibration
- Techniques for noise reduction at the source
- Active noise and vibration control
- Passive noise control elements
- Community noise
- The effects of noise and vibration on people and animals
- Occupational noise
- Noise and vibration measuring techniques
- Numerical methods in acoustics modelling (FEM/BEM, SEA, MA)
- Technical diagnostics
- Architectural and building acoustics
- Electro acoustics
- Hydro acoustics
- Signal processing and statistical methods
- Musical acoustics
- Auditory and speech acoustics
- Legislative acoustic

The papers presented at the congress are published in Congress Proceedings and/or CD Rom, and the best of them are published in the Slovenian Journal of Mechanical Engineering.

Besides international congresses, seminars devoted to noise and vibrations are being organized as well.

For further information please contact the society secretariat by e-mail: mirko.cudina@fs.uni-lj.si, or jurij.prezelj@fs.uni-lj.si, or visit SAS homepage at: www.fs.uni-lj.si/sda.