1. Country: Russian Federation

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): Russian Acoustical Society
4. Original Society name: -
5. Society acronyms: RAS
6. Address: 4, Shvernika Ul,
RUS-117036 Moscow, Russia
7. Phone: +7 495 126 7401
8. Fax: +7 495 126 0100
9. E-mail: ras@akin.ru
10. Web: www.ras.akin.ru
11. Society Journal (name): Bulletin of Russian Acoustical Society

12. Family name, first name: Dubrovsky Nikolai
13. Institution/Company: Andreyev Acoustics Institute
14. Address: 4, Shvernika Ul,
RUS-117036 Moscow, Russia
15. Phone: +7 495 126 7401
16. Fax: +7 495 126 8411
17. E-mail: dubrov@akin.ru

18. Family name, first name: Yudina Elena
19. Institution/Company: Russian Acoustical Society
20. Address: 4, Shvernika Ul,
RUS-117036 Moscow, Russia
21. Phone: +7 495 126 9835
22. Fax: +7 495 126 0100
23. E-mail: yudina@akin.ru

24. Family name, first name: Gridenko Valentina
25. Institution/Company: Russian Acoustical Society
26. Address: 4, Shvernika Ul,
RUS-117036 Moscow, Russia
27. Phone: +7 495 126 9056
28. Fax: +7 495 126 0100
29. E-mail: ras@akin.ru


Research in acoustics in Russia had been coordinated firstly by the All-Union Acoustical conferences. The first of series of such conferences was initiated by Academician Nikolay Andreyev and held in September 1931 at the Institute of Physics and Technology in Leningrad. The All-Union Acoustical conferences had been organized by the Andreyev Acoustics Institute (Moscow) since 1958 till 1991.

The Russian Acoustical Society was established in accordance with the resolution of the XIth All-Union Acoustical Conference held in June 1991. Today, the Society incorporates members from 121 scientific Institutions; research Institutes, universities and other scientific organizations in 49 regions of Russia. There are five regional divisions of the Russian acoustical society: Far East division (Head - Prof. Victor A. Akulichev, Vladivostok), Siberian division (Head - Prof. Valery K. Kedrinsky, Novosibirsk), Volga region division (Head - Professor Sergey N. Gurbatov, N. Novgorod), South division (Head - Professor Vladimir I. Timoshenko, Taganrog) and Moscow region division (Head - Professor Oleg V. Rudenko, Moscow).

Technical sections of the Russian Acoustical Society are as follows:

- Acoustical Measurements and Standards
- Acoustics in High School
- Aeroacoustics
- Atmospheric Acoustics
- Architectural Acoustics
- Geoacoustics
- Medical, Biological and Psychological Acoustics
- Ocean Acoustics
- Physical Acoustics
- Speech Acoustics and Acoustical Problems of Applied Linguistics
- Noise and Vibration
- Ultrasonics and Ultrasonic Technology
- Wave Propagation and Diffraction.

The Society promotes the research in acoustics in Russia. Due to the Society energies some chairs on acoustics were created in Russian universities and specialty “Acoustics” was listed as a main specialty in the teaching courses of Russian students.

Russian Acoustical Society annually conducts sessions. Sixteen sessions were arranged since the Society foundation. The Proceedings of the sessions has been issued in Russian and in English.

The Russian Acoustical Society promoted International symposium on acoustical remote sounding in the atmosphere and in the ocean (ISARS’96), International conference “Mining Geophysics-98”, International symposium on Nonlinear Acoustics (ISNA-16, 2002).

Some structural scientific seminars in acoustics are regularly conducted in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.

Society co-ordinates its activity by the distribution of Bulletin of Russian Acoustical Society (electronically) since 2000. It issues Year-Books with the papers on the recent results on different subjects of acoustics.

Detailed information on Russian Acoustical Society activity can be obtained on the Web-site http://ras.akin.ru