1. Country: Romania
2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): Romanian Acoustical Society
4. Original Society name: Societatea Romana de Acustica
5. Society acronyms: S.R.A.
6. Address: Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Spl. Independentei Nr.313, Sect.6
R-77206, Bucharest, Romania
7. Phone: +401 410 1615
8. Fax: +401 410 4488
9. E-mail:
10. Web:
11. Society Journal (name):
12. Family name, first name: Enescu, Nicolae
13. Institution/Company: Polytechnic University of Bucharest
14. Address: Catedra de Mecanica, Spl. Independentei Nr. 313, Sect. 6
R-77206, Bucharest, Romania
15. Phone: +401 410 1615
16. Fax: +401 410 4488
17. E-mail:
18. Family name, first name: Predoi, Mihai Valentin
19. Institution/Company: Polytechnic University of Bucharest
20. Address: Catedra de Mecanica, Spl. Independentei Nr. 313, Sect. 6
R-77206, Bucharest, Romania
21. Phone: +401 410 1615
22. Fax: +401 410 4488
23. E-mail:
24. Family name, first name: Bugaru, Mihai
25. Institution/Company: University Politechnica Bucharest
26. Address: Catedra de Mecanica, Spl. Independentei Nr. 313, Sect. 6
R-77206, Bucharest, Romania
27. Phone: +401 410 1615
28. Fax: +401 410 4488
29. E-mail:
From the foundation year 1994, the Romanian Acoustical Society (SRA) has a sustained activity for implementation of the acoustics researches and their applications in industry. Until 2000 we had the common activity with the Commission of Acoustics of the Romanian Academy, headed by Professor Aurelian Stan, Honorary Member of Academy.
Our Members participated every year in the Work Shops and Plenary Sessions of the Commission of Acoustics with papers in the field of Acoustics and Vibrations.
Because in Romania the field of Acoustics has little development, we introduced in two technical universities (Bucharest and Timisoara) courses in Technical Acoustics.
We teach these courses to graduated students (the 6th year of study).
We introduced doctoral studies in Acoustics in Bucharest and Timisoara, and now we have some subjects in buildings acoustics, acoustical barriers for traffic noise, reduction of the source noise in machinery, etc.
We have little founds, because we have not independent financial activity. Our funds have as source only member’s dues.
We have collaborations with specialists from the following Romanian research institutes:
- ICECON S.A., specialized in scientific research and technical applications in the field of the construction machines. The President – General Director of this society is professor Polidor Bratu, vice-president of S.R.A. This society was main sponsor of the First National Conference of S.R.A. last year (15-17 october).
- INCSPM – National Institute on Scientific Research in Work Protection. We have a long common activity with that institute, before 1994.
- COMOTI – The Institute of Research in Intern Combustion Engines.
Our society has members from all these societies and institutes.
We have now collaborations on the problems of noise with some societies whose activity disturb and pollute the environmental space. For example, we solved the problem of a steam silencer in a thermoelectric plant. But all this researches were made in the name of our universities.
We intend to develop now our activity. In May this year we have in University Politechnica Timisoara the Conference on Vibrations and Acoustics, where we have a special section on Acoustics. We have also in University Politechnica Bucharest an Anniversary Conference of the Faculty of Biothechnical Engineering in which S.R.A. organizes a special section on acoustical field.