1. Country: Norway

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): The Acoustical Society of Norway
4. Original Society name: Norsk Akustisk Selskap
5. Society acronyms: NAS
6. Address: c/o Inst. for elektronikk og telekomm./Akustikk
NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
7. Phone: +47 73 59 43 36
8. Fax: +47 73 59 14 12
9. E-mail: sanordby@norsonic.com
10. Web: www.akustisk-selskap.com
11. Society Journal (name): NAS Nytt

12. Family name, first name: Nordby, Svein Arne
13. Institution/Company: Norsonic AS
14. Address: Postboks 24
NO-3421 Lierskogen , Norway
15. Phone: +47 32 85 89 00
16. Fax: +47 32 85 22 08
17. E-mail: sanordby@norsonic.com

18. Family name, first name: Heggøy, Bernt
19. Institution/Company: Kilde Akustikk AS
20. Address: Tvildesvegen 16D
NO-5700 Voss, Norway
21. Phone: +47 56 52 04 63
22. Fax: +47 56 52 04 79
23. E-mail: bernt.heggoy@kilde-akustikk.no

24. Family name, first name: Berg, Tone
25. Institution/Company: SINTEF ICT, Dept. of Acoustics
26. Address: NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway
27. Phone: +47 73 59 20 22
28. Fax: +47 73 59 43 02
29. E-mail: tone.berg@sintef.no


The Norwegian Acoustical Society (NAS) is a voluntary association for acousticians and others with a professional interest in acoustics in Norway. NAS was founded in Oslo on 28 March 1955 as a branch of the Nordic Acoustical Society, which was founded the year before. A board consisting of five elected members manages the Society.

The goal of the Society is to cultivate contact between acousticians in Norway and, through membership in The Nordic Acoustical Society, with the acousticians in the Nordic countries, as well as with comparable national and international associations. The Society promotes the development of the science and technologies within acoustics, and contributes to the spread of information and knowledge in the field of acoustics.

NAS is a member of The Nordic Acoustical Society and The International Institute of Noise Control Engineering, I-INCE. NAS is a partner of The European Acoustics Association, EAA, and The International Commission for Acoustics, ICA.

The Society publishes members' news electronically on the NAS Internet Home Page, www.akustisk-selskap.com. Once a year a technical meeting is arranged for members, usually during the autumn. Every second year NAS participates in the meeting of The Nordic Acoustical Society. The Acoustical Society of Norway in turn hosts the Nordic meeting approximately every eighth year.

Members may be experts in the field of acoustics, with an academic background from Norway or abroad, or other professionals who have acquired comparable knowledge through practical experience. Also others, who have special qualifications that promote the work of the Society through ordinary membership, may be accepted. NAS membership gives automatic membership in The Nordic Acoustical Society. Contingency for ordinary members is NOK 200,- per year.

The board may accept organizations, companies, institutes and personal members who are interested in the goals of the Society, and who wish to support the Society with yearly contributions as supporting members. Contingency for supporting company members is NOK 2000,- per year.