1. Country: Italy

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): Acoustical Society of Italy
4. Original Society name: Associazione Italiana di Acustica
5. Society acronyms: AIA
6. Address: Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100
I-00133 Roma, Italy
7. Phone: +39 06 4993 4030
8. Fax: +39 06 2066 0061
9. E-mail: segreteria.aia@imamoter.cnr.it
10. Web: www.associazioneitalianadiacustica.it
11. Society Journal (name): Rivista Italiana di Acustica

12. Family name, first name: Brambilla, Giovanni
13. Institution/Company: CNR – Institute of Acoustics
14. Address: Via del Fosso del Cavaliere 100
I-00133 Roma, Italy
15. Phone: +39 06 4993 4030
16. Fax: +39 06 2066 0061
17. E-mail: giovanni.brambilla@idac.rm.cnr.it

18. Family name, first name: Carletti, Eleonora
19. Institution/Company: CNR – IMAMOTER
20. Address: Via Canal Bianco, 28
I-44044 Cassana (Ferrara), Italy
21. Phone: +39 0532 735635
22. Fax: +39 0532 735666
23. E-mail: e.carletti@imamoter.cnr.it

24. Family name, first name: Pedrielli, Francesca
25. Institution/Company: CNR – IMAMOTER
26. Address: Via Canal Bianco, 28
I-44044 Cassana (Ferrara), Italy
27. Phone: +39 0532 735619
28. Fax: +39 0532 735666
29. E-mail: f.pedrielli@imamoter.cnr.it


The Acoustical Society of Italy (A.I.A.) was formed in 1972 as a no-profit association with the goal of promoting and spreading research, applications and education on all the aspects of acoustics, as well as the dissemination and exchange of information among its members.

The principal office of the Association is located in Rome at the Institute "O.M. Corbino" of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR) while an other CNR Institute (IMAMOTER Institute), in Ferrara, provides the Association Secretariat.

The number of AIA members has grown from the 16 founders in 1972 to about 400 in 2005. There are six distinct grades of membership: Honorary Fellows, Fellows, Individual Members, Collective Members (Institution, Companies, etc.), Student Members and Sustaining Members. All memberships entitle a member to receive the publications of the Association and to attend its meetings at reduced fees while only Honorary Fellows and Fellows are eligible to hold office. All persons with some interest in acoustics can become Individual Member while the nomination for fellow membership is restricted to those members who have been individual members of the Association for almost three years and have got verified technical or professional qualifications in acoustics. Honorary Fellow membership is conferred upon individuals of distinction while the Student membership is open to any student, less than 30 year old, whose matriculation is certified by University.

Three specialist groups are organized within AIA, covering the fields of Environmental Acoustics, Room and Building Acoustics and Musical Acoustics. The activities of each group are undertaken by a Coordinator and a Technical Committee elected by all the Fellows and Members of the group. The Environmental Acoustics Group was formed in 1988 followed by the Musical Acoustics Group in 1992 and the Room and Building Acoustics Group in 2005.

The activities of the Association are guided by a Board made up of the President, the past President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and 7 Fellows. The Board serves a four year term with the main duty to take the necessary decisions for promoting the activities in all the branches of acoustics, facilitate the exchanges among its members and establish international links with foreign acoustical associations.

Each year, the Association holds its three-day annual meeting covering all the aspects of acoustics. In these last three years, this event has been drawing large audiences (more than 200 participants, on average). The papers presented at the annual meeting (110 on average) are regularly published in the Congress Proceedings, a book of about 600 pages. In addition, each specialist group organizes seminars and workshops on topical subjects during the year. Proceedings of these events are also published by AIA.

Every year AIA awards the best degree thesis and PHD work on acoustics. In addition, other grants are available to young scientists and students for the attendance at National and International Events on Acoustics.

In 1977, AIA began the publication of a quarterly journal, “Rivista Italiana di Acustica”, which is the official magazine of the Association. Each issue contains research papers, technical notes, news from AIA and from the specialist groups, calendar of events, etc. Papers are usually in Italian with a summary in English, but also foreign languages (i.e. English and French) have been used by distinguished authors. Each issue is about 50 pages in length, and 900 copies are distributed to society members and other people in Italy and abroad. The Association retains close ties with the Italian Audiology Society and other national associations related to acoustics. In achieving statutory objectives, AIA is active in establishing international links with foreign associations. In 1972, the Association was one of the founder Societies of the Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe (FASE) and was among the founders of the European Acoustics Association (EAA) in 1992. AIA is full member of the Board of ICA (International Committee on Acoustics) and joined I-INCE in 1983.

The Association hosted international conferences, including the 4th FASE Symposium on Acoustics and Speech in Venice (1981), the Conference on Acoustics and Recovery of Spaces for Music in Ferrara (1993), the 18th AICB (Association Against Noise) Congress in Bologna (1995), the 17th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) in Rome (2001) and, in 2003, the 5th EuroNoise Conference in Naples.

Information about all aspects of the Association can be found on the webpage www.associazioneitalianadiacustica.it.