1. Country: France

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): French Acoustical Society
4. Original Society name: Société Française d’Acoustique
5. Society acronyms: SFA
6. Address: 23 Avenue Brunetière
F-75017 Paris, France
7. Phone: +33 1 4888 90 59
8. Fax: +33 1 4888 90 60
9. E-mail: sfa4@wanadoo.fr
10. Web: www.sfa.asso.fr
11. Society Journal (name):

12. Family name, first name: Kergomard, Jean
13. Institution/Company: CNRS - Laboratoire d'Acoustique
14. Address: 31, chemin Joseph Aiguier
13402 Marseille Cedex 20, France
15. Phone: +33 04 91 16 43 81
16. Fax: +33 04 91 71 28 66
17. E-mail: kergomard@lma.cnrs-mrs.fr, sfa4@wanadoo.fr

18. Family name, first name: Moulin, Emmanuel
19. Institution/Company: IEMN-DOAE
20. Address: Labo. de Recherche Electronique
Le Mont Houy
59313 Valenciennes Cedex 9, France
21. Phone: +33 03 27 51 14 46
22. Fax: +33 03 27 51 11 89
23. E-mail: emmanuel.moulin@univ-valenciennes.fr

24. Family name, first name: Melon, Manuel
25. Institution/Company: CNAM
26. Address: Laboratoire d’Acoustique
292, rue Saint-Martin –
F - 75141 Paris Cedex 03, France
27. Phone: +33 01 53 01 80 58
28. Fax: +33 01 53 01 80 57
29. E-mail: melon@cnam.fr, sfa4@wanadoo.fr


The French Acoustical Society (Société Française d'Acoustique, SFA) is a non-profit association uniting the French and French-speaking acoustician community. Initially created in 1948 as the "Groupement des Acousticiens de Langue Française" (GALF), it exists in its present form since 1986. Its aim is to promote acoustics in all its aspects: research, applications, and teaching.

About a thousand members belong to the SFA, representing a variety of professional activities and nations (about twenty countries). They include engineers, university teachers, researchers, physicians, and audiologists, covering a wide range from ultrasonics to speech and hearing. SFA members are structured according to their specialities and regions of origin. These groups and sections are active in organising both high-level scientific meetings as well as popularizing events.

The SFA is active at the national, the European and the international levels. It organizes regular scientific meetings, such as the Congrès Français d’Acoustique (CFA). It also co-operates with other French scientific societies such as the Société Française de Physique (SFP), the Société des Électriciens et Électroniciens, the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF) and the Société Française des Mécaniciens (SFM), in organizing trans-academic congresses. Finally, as one of the main founding members of the European Acoustics Association (EAA), SFA takes part in international committees or associations on acoustics such as the International Committee on Acoustics (ICA) and the International Institute for Noise Control Engineering (I-INCE).

The SFA has representatives in several national authorities such as the Conseil National du Bruit (the National Council on Noise, created under the aegis of the French Department of Environment) and co-operates with official organisms such as the Centre d'Information et de Documentation sur le Bruit (CIDB).

The association offers four grades of membership:
- Active Members,
- Benefactor Members - individuals or institutions, private or public
- Honorary Members,
- Founding Members.

Its actions are supported both by public organisations (research laboratories, State institutions) and private companies (manufacturers or service providers).

The SFA distributes a bimonthly journal to its members: the "Courrier de la SFA". It also publishes, jointly with the Centre d'Information et de Documentation sur le Bruit (CIDB), a bimonthly journal "Acoustique et Techniques". It contributes, along with the other European Societies of acoustics, to the publication of "ACUSTICA united with Acta Acustica".

The SFA created, in partnership with the French publisher HERMES, a series of books in "Collection d'Acoustique". Several works have already been published, such as "Petite Histoire de l'Acoustique", by Pierre Liénard, "Acoustique Industrielle et Aéroacoustique" by Serge Léwy, and "Manuel d'Acoustique Fondamentale" by Michel Bruneau.

More information can be found in the SFA website: http://www.sfa.asso.fr