1. Country: Czech Republic

2. Status: Full Member
3. Society name (in English): Czech Acoustical Society
4. Original Society name: Ceska akusticka spolecnost
5. Society acronyms: CsAS
6. Address: Technicka 2
CZ-16627 Prague 6, Czech Republic
7. Phone: +420 22435 2310
8. Fax: +420 233 337 031
9. E-mail: csas@fel.cvut.cz
10. Web: www.czakustika.cz
11. Society Journal (name): Akusticke listy

12. Family name, first name: Jiricek, Ondrej
13. Institution/Company: CTU in Prague
14. Address: Technicka 2
CZ-16627 Prague 6, Czech Republic
15. Phone: +420 22435 2330
16. Fax: +420 233 337 031
17. E-mail: jiricek@fel.cvut.cz

18. Family name, first name: Brothanek, Marek
19. Institution/Company: CTU in Prague
20. Address: Technicka 2
CZ-16627 Prague 6, Czech Republic
21. Phone: +420 22435 2221
22. Fax: +420 233 337 031
23. E-mail: brothan@fel.cvut.cz

24. Family name, first name: Kudejova, Olga
25. Institution/Company: MZ CR, Prague
26. Address: Palackeho nam. 4
CZ-12801 Prague 2, Czech Republic
27. Phone: +420 224 972 930
28. Fax:
29. E-mail: olga.kudejova@mzcr.cz


The Czech Acoustic Society (CAS), established in the year 1990, has brought together most of the acoustic experts earlier organised in the Czechoslovak Scientific and Engineering Society (some 200 members today). The Czech Acoustical Society has been a FASE constituent member.

The Acoustic Commission of the Academy of Science became allied to the CAS at the end of 1992 including all its international engagements as an I-INCE and ICA member and a joint member of EAA.

The Czech acoustical experts, associated nowadays in CAS, organised since 1962 35 international conferences on acoustics. The 30th International Conference on Acoustics was organised jointly with the 17th AICB Congress in Prague 1992, the 31st International Conference on Electro-acoustics and Signal Processing was organised in Prague 1994, the 32nd International Conference on Acoustics on Speech, Music and Hearing was organised in Prague 1995 and the 33rd International Acoustical Conference on Building and Room Acoustics was organised in Prague 1996. A combined 55th Acoustic Seminar and 34th International Acoustical Conference on Noise Control took place in Kouty 1997, the 35th International Acoustical Conference on Ultra-Acoustics and Acoustic Emission took place in Trest 1998.
In summer 2004 the Czech Acoustical Society successfully organized the 33rd International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering INTER-NOISE 2004.

A bulletin ACOUSTIC SHEETS is issued four times a year by the Czech Acoustic Society. This bulletin informs members of the society on its recent activities, actual scientific and engineering news, etc.

The Professional groups and chairmen of Czech Acoustic Society are:

General linear and non-linear acoustics, Michal Bednarik
Ultra-acoustics and acoustic emission, Jaroslav Plocek
Noise and vibration, Vlastimil Strnad
Building and room acoustics, Miroslav Meller
Signal processing and recording, Tomas Salava
Psycho-acoustics, physiology of acoustics, music and
speech acoustics, Jan Stepanek
Electroacoustics, Zdenek Kesner

More information on Czech Acoustic Society can be obtained on the web-site http://www.czakustika.cz