The EAA INDEX is a publication of the European Acoustics Association - EAA - intended to collect useful data and information for all its Member Societies and all acousticians community.

The present CD Rom edition of the EAA INDEX 2006 has been prepared by the Spanish Acoustical Society - SEA - on behalf of the European Acoustics Association - EAA - . At the present, the Product Manager of EAA INDEX is Prof. Amando García, from the University of Valencia, Spain, retired, and Vicepresident of Spanish Acoustical Society.

It should be reminded that the EAA INDEX is distributed mainly for use by the EAA Member Societies and their respective individual or sustaining members. This publication is intended for personal use only, and no commercial use of its contents is allowed in any case or circumstance. In particular, the use of EAA INDEX, even partially, to provide a mailing list for advertisement or other commercial purposes, is strictly prohibited.

As in the previous edition (2003), the editorial team of the present edition of EAA INDEX, Antonio Calvo-Manzano, Amando García, Antonio Pérez-López, and Salvador Santiago, decided that its contents should be structured in three different Sections, concerning respectively to General Information, Directories and Miscellany Information.

The first Section (General Information) includes a presentation of EAA, the complete text of EAA Statutes, an information on the different EAA Products (ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA, NUNTIUS ACUSTICUS, FENESTRA ACUSTICA, EAA INDEX, DOCUMENTA ACUSTICA, FORUM ACUSTICUM, EURONOISE, and EAA SYMPOSIA / EAA TUTORIA), an information on the EAA Technical Committees (Room and Building Acoustics, Computational Acoustics, Musical Acoustics, Ultrasound, Physiological and Psychological Acoustics, and Noise) and basic information on all EAA Member Societies (data, logos and profiles).

The second Section (Directories) includes three different files: the individual membership directory (with the names classified by alphabetical order, all together), the individual membership directory (names classified by Societies), and the sustaining institutions and companies directory (general data and activity, when available).

Finally, the third Section (Miscellany) includes two sections: CYBERACOUSTICS (a list of relevant Internet Useful Addresses of a wide range of subjects), and the Classification Scheme PACS (related only to the different acoustics subjects).

Regarding specifically to the EAA Member Societies, most complete and up-to-date information concerning to each Society is given in the present edition of EAA INDEX 2006. This information includes the name, acronyms, logo, postal address, phone, fax, Web and e-mail addresses of each Society, and the names and complete addresses of the president, Secretary and Treasurer. These data are completed with a short text on the history, objectives, activities, courses, meetings and congresses organization, and other relevant information concerning to the “profile” of each Society.

In the Individual Membership Directories, the professional data of all individual members of the different Societies are collected, including the name, institution, postal address, email address, etc., showed jointly and by Societies, and always ordered by alphabetical order of the corresponding family names. All these data have been provided by the respective Member Societies.

Regarding to the Sustaining Members Directory (institutions or companies), the name, address and activity field of such sustaining members are given, besides a very brief review on the activity of such Institutions or Companies, when available. All this information has been also provided by the corresponding Member Society.

We are aware that a important and continuous effort should be made in the future to broad and complete the present information, to detect and correct any possible error in our files, or, simply, to keep up-to-date all the contents of EAA INDEX. We acknowledge the valuable cooperation to this task of EAA Executive Council, EAA Member Societies, EAA Product Managers and EAA Technical Committees Chairs. In any case, we are convinced that this effort not only will contribute to develop a more fruitful relationship and mutual knowledge among all EAA Societies, but also among all members of acoustics community.

EAA INDEX Product Manager
Amando García
Spanish Acoustical Society
e-mail: amando.garcia@ono.com