FORUM ACUSTICUM is the tri-annual international convention of the EAA. It is much more than a normal congress; it is a “FORUM”, comprising a variety of different activities.

The FORUM is:
- a high-quality scientific and technical conference with keynote lectures, structured sessions with invited and contributed papers.
- an exhibition open to commercial firms, laboratories and agencies, acoustical societies and institutions.

The first FORUM ACUSTICUM ANTWERP 1996, took place in Belgium, with more than 700 participants from Europe and from abroad.

FORUM ACUSTICUM BERLIN 1999, was held jointly with the 70th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, and the 25th Meeting of the German Acoustical Society – DAGA-. The participants were about 2.000 from Europe and U.S.A.

FORUM ACUSTICUM SEVILLA 2002, held jointly with the XXXIII Spanish Congress on Acoustics –TECNIACÚSTICA®2002-, an European and Japanese SYMPOSIUM, the 3rd Iberian Congress on Acoustics, and EXPOACÚSTICA® 2002, with 850 participants from 41 countries.

FORUM ACUSTICUM BUDAPEST 2005, was held at the ELTE University, Budapest, Hungary, with 7 plenary lectures, 550 papers, distributed in 11 parallel sessions – 36 structured sessions and 14 contributed- and 50 posters.

The FORUM ACUSTICUM PARIS 2008 is called Acoustics’08 integrating EURONOISE, the 155th ASA Meeting, and the 9th Congrès Français d’Acoustique at the Palais des Congrès, Paris, France, from the 30th June to 4th July 2008.

ACOUSTICS’08 PARIS web: http://www.acoustics08-paris.org/

EAA General Secretary
Luigi Maffei
Second University of Naples, Dispama
Faculty of Architecture,
Laboratory of Environmental Control
Abazia di San Lorenzo ad Septimum, Borgo S. Lorenzo
81031 Aversa (Ce), Italy
Tel: + 39 (0)81 8142166
Fax: + 39 (0)81 8148626
e-mail: secretary@euracoustics.org