ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA is an international, peer-reviewed journal on acoustics which is published bimonthly by Hirzel Verlag together with the European Acoustics Association (EAA). It continues the tradition of ACUSTICA founded in 1951 by C.W. Kosten (The Netherlands, first Editor-in-Chief), F. Canac (France), A. Giacomini (Italy), E. Meyer (Germany) and E.G. Richardson (Great Britain). ACTA ACUSTICA (since 1993) was united with ACUSTICA in 1996. From 2001 the journal is known as ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA. Today, the distribution of the journal covers more than 3.500 membership subscriptions and a significant number of library subscriptions.

It publishes original articles on all subjects in the field of acoustics, such as: general linear acoustics, nonlinear acoustics, macrosonics, flow acoustics, atmospheric sound, underwater sound, ultrasonics, physical acoustics, structural acoustics, noise control, active control, environmental noise, building acoustics, room acoustics, acoustic materials, acoustic signal processing, computational and numerical acoustics, hearing, audiology and psychoacoustics, speech, musical acoustics, electroacoustics, auditory quality of systems.

The journal reports on original scientific research in acoustics and on engineering applications. The journal considers scientific papers, technical and applied papers, book reviews, short communications, doctoral thesis abstracts, etc. In irregular intervals also special issues and review articles are published.

ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA is recognised by the European Physical Society and is regularly listed in: Applied Mechanics Reviews, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts / Electronics and Communication Abstracts, Current Contents® / Physical, Chemical and Earth Sciences, Current Contents® / Engineering, Computing & Technology, Ei Compendex Plus (Engineering Information), FRANCIS (CNRS), INSPEC, Research Alert®, SciSearch®, Science Citation Index.

ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA is available in print, on CDRom and online via Ingenta Connect. Ingenta Connect today is one of the most comprehensive collections of academic and professional publications. Tables of content and abstracts, beginning with Volume 87 (2001), can be downloaded for free from: www.ingentaconnect.com/content/dav/aaua. Subscriptions include free online access to the full text via Ingenta Connect provided a license agreement is concluded with the Publisher.

Authors should submit their manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief via e-mail as electronic file, preferably in pdf or postscript format. It will be forwarded to the Associate Editor responsible for the subject area of the paper. The Associate Editor will send the manuscript to referees and supervise the reviewing process. On average, manuscript acceptance can be expected within 9 months and publication within 12 months of submission.

Accepted languages are English, French and German. Authors seeking to reach a wide readership may wish to consider publishing in the English language. For contributions in English, linguistic support can be obtained on request. If the contribution is not in English, a title and a summary in English must be submitted.

A manuscript shall contain the following items: title, short title, author(s), affiliation(s), summary, PACS number(s), text, figures and tables.
With the submission of a manuscript, and if a manuscript is accepted for publication, the author(s) agree to the exclusive transfer of the copyright to the publisher and the EAA until expiry of the copyright. No honorarium is paid. The first author of an article will receive 25 offprint free-of-charges. Further offprint (in multiples of 25) may be ordered at extra costs. A price list is available from the publisher.

More detailed information concerning the submission of manuscripts (style, figures, etc…) can be found on the journal website: http://www.acta-acustica-united-with-acustica.com. Additional journal information is also available on this website.

Editorial Board ACTA ACUSTICA united with ACUSTICA

Dick Botteldooren
Acoustics Group
Department of Information Technology
Ghent University
St. Pietersnieuwstraat 41
B-9000 Gent
Phone: +32 9 264 9968
Fax: +32 9 264 9969
E-mail: aa.a@intec.ugent.be

Sabine Körner
S. Hirzel Verlag
Birkenwaldstr. 44
70191 Stuttgart
P O Box 10 10 61
70009 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711 25 82-0
Fax: +49 (0)711 25 82-290
E-mail: ActaAcustica@Hirzel.de

Production Manager
Johann Wempen
Daucherstr. 98
85053 Ingolstadt
Phone: +49 (0)841 975852
Fax: +49 (0)841 975853
E -mail: wempen@t-online.de

Associate Editors:

General Linear Acoustics:
Michael Moeser
Institut fuer Technische Akustik
Technische Universitaet Berlin
E-mail: moes0338@mailbox.tu-berlin.de

Nonlinear Acoustics, Macrosonics:
François Coulouvrat
Lab. de modélisation en mécanique
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
E-mail: coulouvr@ccr.jussieu.fr

Flow Acoustics:
Daniel Juvé
Departement MFAE
Ecole Centrale de Lyon
E-mail: daniel.juve@ec-lyon.fr

Atmospheric Sound:
K. Attenborough
School of Engineering
The University of Hull
E-mail: k.attenborough@hull.ac.uk

Underwater Sound;
Michael Taroudakis
Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics
E-mail: taroud@iacm.forth.gr

Andrzej Stepnowski
Technical University of Gdansk
E-mail: astep@pg.gda.pl

Juan A. Gallego-Juárez
Instituto de Acústica
E-mail: jgallego@ia.cetef.csic.es

Johan M. Thijssen
Academic Children's Hospital Nijmegen
E-mail: J.Thijssen@cukz.umcn.nl

Physical Acoustics:
Walter Lauriks
K.U. Laboratorium voor Akoestiek en Thermische Fysica
E-mail: walter.lauriks@fys.kuleuven.ac.be

Structural Acoustics:
Wolfgang Kropp
Department of Applied Acoustics
Chalmers University of Technology
E-mail: wk@ta.chalmers.se

Noise Control:
Pierre-Etienne Gautier
Unite de Recherche Physique du Système Ferroviaire
E-mail: pierre-etienne.gautier@sncf.fr

Active Control:
Steve J. Elliott
Institute of Sound and Vibration Research
University of Southampton
E-mail: SJE@isvr.soton.ac.uk

Environmental Noise:
Jian Kang
School of Architecture
University of Sheffield
E-mail: j.kang@sheffield.ac.uk

Building Acoustics:
Gerrit Vermeir
K.U. Leuven
Laboratory of Acoustics and Laboratory of Building Physics
E-mail: gerrit.vermeir@bwk.kuleuven.ac.be

Room Acoustics:
Trevor J. Cox
Acoustics and Electronic Engineering
University of Salford
E-mail: t.j.cox@salford.ac.uk

Acoustic Materials:
Denis Lafarge
Laboratoire d'Acoustique
Université du Maine
E-mail: Denis.Lafarge@univ-lemans.fr

Acoustic Signal Processing:
Wolfgang F. G. Mecklenbraeuker
Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik und Hochfrequenztechnik
TU Wien
E-mail: wmecklen@pop.tuwien.ac.at

Computational and Numerical Acoustics:
Peter Svensson
Dept. of telecommunications
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
E-mail: svensson@iet.ntnu.no

Hearing, Audiology and Psychoacoustics:
Yves Cazals
Laboratoire Physiologie Neurovégétative
Faculté des Sciences St. Jérôme
E-mail: yves.cazals@univ.u-3mrs.fr

Jesko L. Verhey
Institut fuer Physik, AG Neurosensorik
Universitaet Oldenburg
E-mail: jesko.verhey@uni-oldenburg.de

Pierre Badin
Institut de la Communication Parlée
E-mail: pierre.badin@icp.inpg.fr

Musical Acoustics:
Murray Campbell
Dept. Physics and Astronomy
The University of Edinburgh
E-mail: D.M.Campbell@ed.ac.uk

Anders Askenfelt
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
E-mail: andersa@speech.kth.se

Gerhard M. Sessler
Institut fuer Nachrichtentechnik
Technische Hochschule Darmstadt
E-mail: g.sessler@nt.tu-darmstadt.de

Auditory Quality of Systems:
Danièle Dubois
Université Paris 6
Ministère de la Culture
E-mail: ddubois@ccr.jussieu.fr

Technical and Applied Papers:
Kurt Heutschi
Abt. Akustik
EMPA Duebendorf,
E-mail: kurt.heutschi@empa.ch

Amando García
University of Valencia
E-mail: amando.garcia@ono.com