All copyrights are the property of the SFA except for the following papers:

Owner of Copyrights First Author Paper Title
Commonwealth of Australia - Defense Science and Technology Organization Adrian D. Jones Single parameter description of seafloors for shallow oceans
Canadian Government John Fawcett Broadband scattering from spherical shells in a waveguide: modeling and classification
NATO / NURC Gaetano Canepa A time domain model of scattering from small discrete volume particles: tank validation
UK Government - Crown Copyright Stephen Robinson Acousto-optic tomography for mapping of high-frequency sonar fields
UK Government - Crown Copyright Stephen Robinson Validation of primary hydrophone calibrations by inter-laboratory comparisons and by independent calibration methods
US Government - Batelle Memorial Intitute M. Greenwood Ultrasonic Diffraction Grating Spectroscopy: Paricle Size Measurements and Investigation of the inertial Model for Attenuation